
Calling all car, truck, and motorcycle enthusiasts! Join us for Horsepower Roundup, an unforgettable experience at Mound Grove Golf Course, where rare and iconic vehicles from decades past take center stage. This event is a celebration of automotive heritage that will leave you in awe.



Since 1981, Hope on Horseback has enhanced the physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of children and adults with special needs. Our program begins with horses that are suited to working with individuals with varying degrees of physical and cognitive ability. Instructors are selected and certified to lead the program. Clients are evaluated and a plan is developed for each, based on individual needs. Horses and riders are carefully matched. Trained volunteers bond with both rider and horse and become an essential part of the therapeutic process.

Our nationally certified instructors develop lesson plans for a five-week series of classes that allow clients to enjoy the experience of riding a horse, while at the same time improving balance, increasing core strength, enhancing focus and developing social skills as well.

In 2024, Hope on Horseback will add an innovative new program using horses in a ground program that promotes the development of life skills. Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL) is an experiential learning approach that promotes the development of life skills. This focus can be adapted to academic achievement and classroom behavior, personal growth and exploration, or professional pursuits such as leadership development, team building and executive coaching.

Exercises with the horses and observation of their behavior provide the basis for reflection and discussion. Activities and discussions improve confidence, self-assurance, verbal and non-verbal communication, focus, mindfulness, and coping strategies.

For more information about EAL, contact: director@hopehorseback.org

For more information about Therapeutic Riding, contact: program@hopehorseback.org
